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View Full Version : I got banned for being banned on other servers! :P

01-09-2015, 10:37 PM
Today (9/1/15) was my first day playing on the "Thatsnotacreeper" server. While I was gathering resources, I told everyone in chat that I had been banned on a lot of other Dr.Who servers. I told them that I got banned from 3 of the servers b/c I greifed in the sandbox (which this server doesn't have), I trampled on a farm which I guess was a form of griefing (It was an accident though. My tardis landed on it :p), and the last one well, I stole a tardis. ( I didn't think I was breaking the rule at the time. The rules said that you couldn't tp to someone in their tardis and steal it. What I did was I saw a tardis landing and when the owner came out of it. I came in it b/c the door was open. I then just flew away with it lol!) BTW, I'm telling u this b/c the ban applications said you like a good story! So I told the chat this and then markdf (an admin) bans me. He said that he didn't want potential greifers.

IGN: DaComputerBoss
Banned By: markdf
Ban reason: For being banned on other servers!
Date: 9/1/15
Time: 8:19 am
Screenshot: 162

01-09-2015, 10:46 PM
I don't care what you did on other servers, you are expected to behave with a mature attitude on this server no matter how old you are. If you were smart (and mature), you would have kept your mouth shut about your behaviour on other servers. Look at it from my side, why should I trust you on our server after what you said you did on other servers. However there are thousands of other servers out there, perhaps you will know what not to do next time...this is not the server you are looking for, move along...


02-09-2015, 03:19 AM
How does me telling everyone a sory make me immature?

02-09-2015, 04:30 AM
ask your parents

03-09-2015, 04:16 PM
Um... is it bothering anyone else that he has no idea we have a sandmine? LOL! This guy.....