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View Full Version : Are Sea Lanterns for Chameleon Constructs a higher builder level?

15-10-2015, 11:14 AM
So, for a while now I've tried to make a chameleon circuit construct with the sea lantern as my TARDIS lantern. I always get "You cannot customize the chameleon circuit with that type of block!" But it's there, surely they've included it because I swear I've seen other TARDISes with it as their lantern. I've had several suggestions, from making sure to completely fill up the open slots to typing in /tprefs lanterns on to even typing int /tprefs lanterns on for that specific lantern's ID. None of this has worked. The last thing I could imagine is that it's either there as a horrible April Fool's prank, or it's a higher build level than I am. On a side note, I hate forgetting to press abort and letting the construct menu eat items.

15-10-2015, 03:51 PM
Its not a permissions problem. Have you checked the docs?


16-10-2015, 07:45 AM
I've checked several times around there and found no answer. Everyone I've talked to has had different answers for me, but none of them allow me to use it. I've tried with a power block, without one, tried turning all the lamps on via the command (as stated above) and tried several times after restarting. I'm beginning to think that either I'm glitched or it's just not an option and was put into the construction simply because it's classified as a lamp. That or as a horrible April Fool's prank.