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View Full Version : I need a conclusion.

Urban McYeti
11-01-2016, 04:30 AM
A few months ago, I was banned for stealing. It was proven that I did it, and I admitted to it, however I don't remember doing it.
Mark had told me on the same thread that if I had apologized and admitted to it, he would, in time, un-ban me. I showed him that I did admit and apologize for it. I still have the screen cap of me doing so.
I've sent a private message and even an email to mark with no reply. This is getting ridiculous.
Even after I had proven that I had done what he wanted before he said anything about it, he deleted the thread and then never said anything to me, or actually unbanned me.
Whether this is just a case of he forgot, which is very possible, I want to have a complete knowledge of whats going to happen. I've waited long enough.
I've included the screen cap of me apologizing and admitting to the crime.
I really do like this server, as its one of the most reasonable with how it sets up its tardis plugin. The spawn is also very nice and the people who play are wonderful.

Thank you for your time
~Urban McYeti

11-01-2016, 09:16 AM

Is that conclusive enough?

* I have never said to anyone they would be 'un banned in time'.
* How can you admit to something when you dont remember it? At best its saying what you think I want to hear.
* Apologising after being caught is an apology for being caught, not for what you did.
* I'm not you parents where the constant nagging probably gets what you want.
* You stole, you got caught, game over.

Urban McYeti
11-01-2016, 09:44 AM
You had said that if I had admited and apologized to it before your said anything about that that you would of unbanned me.
Which I had, as seen in that attachment.
Plenty of people forget about things they do on a video game
I admitted to it when all the evidence pointed to it. I can't deny if everything points to me doing it.
The only reason I had to continuously message you was because you didn't answer me in the first place.
I asked you even on the original thread I had posted in the first place, which someone had deleted
However, its your server. Do what you like. Have a good day.
And thanks for having a good server.

11-01-2016, 10:11 AM
Stealing is stealing :P you read the rules when you joined etc etc all that stuff.
Owning up to it when you had no recollection of doing it? Doesn't make sense to me.

11-01-2016, 01:05 PM
I hope you have learnt your lesson and won't steal ever again, that being said I wish you best luck in finding a server that you will enjoy.