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View Full Version : tardis perm change suggestion

31-08-2016, 05:13 AM
so im making this suggestion in regards of some of the new ability's that have come.


allow players from builder 2 and up have the ability to use the desktop changeing setting

reason 1:
with the requirement of the console being at a a server set % intact this prevent players from harvesting blocks before changing consoles

reason 2:
with the tardis repair ability the % mentioned in reason 1 can be lowered even more since the player will need to condense 100% of the missing blocks before the console can be changed and this will take the console to 100% intact

suggested new permission setting:

builder 1: tardis repair / clean and the console should be 90-100% intact
builder 2: has the ability to use the system
builder 3: they should only be able to use the archive to the setting with the ability to only archive the small area ( 16 x 16 x 16 )
master builder: have the ability to archive 16 x 32 x 16
VIP: archive 32 x 32 x 32

how dose it relate to me:
this don't i just know there are some players out there that like the other consoles but they dont change for they will need to reset everything they did in their tardis

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there is a ticket on the tardis site about the archive space as their own perms

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if the archive size request remainds unable to do i would then make the archive a master builder or a vip only

01-09-2016, 12:46 AM
What would you add to VIP+++ then? I don't feel like taking the feature "away" from them and not give anything but one archive size back.

01-09-2016, 09:08 PM
I like it how it is now.