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View Full Version : Just played Minecraft in VR

17-01-2017, 09:07 AM
So as the title explains, I played Minecraft in VR.

So I started in this world, put the difficulty to easy cause VR, and starting doing the basic Minecraft start. When building my little hole to hide in, I realized the scale of Minecraft. It felt like a little place I could be safe in. Now I was messing in the options and I realized the sun was setting. So I quickly got some wood and coal, and had my first battle with a spider and witch. I built a door and hid. Remember when I said it felt safe? Well this feeling went out of the window when a zombie starting bashing at the door, and I immediately quit.

So that was my quick VR experience, I was using the Samsung Gear VR headset. It's quite good, but it has 2 big issues, battery and heating. Battery is drained faster then a diet and the phone will at one point give a warning that it is too hot, and will run horribly until you get it out and cool it.

17-01-2017, 12:43 PM
Haven't tried minecraft on the phone with Samsung VR, seems neato! I have the oculus rift DK1 and tried minecraft on it a couple of years ago and it was pretty cool, graphics were too crunchy though. And i got dizzy. AND it was an older version of minecraft since it had to have a VR mod on it so i couldn't play it on the server.... darnit lol

18-01-2017, 02:29 AM
I personally feel like VR isn't quite ready to be a thing at the moment, altough it can certainly be executed well in some games.

18-01-2017, 06:01 AM
I personally feel like VR isn't quite ready to be a thing at the moment, altough it can certainly be executed well in some games.

I think cockpit games like Elite Dangerous have almost been perfected, while room scale isn't so perfected. If I remember correctly, Minecraft can be classed as room scale. With the Samsung gear VR there is no head tracking (No going up down, left or right, you can just look around,) and I had to use a controller to move around. In the more expensive headsets like the Vive you still can't move around the entire game, instead games usually use some sort of teleport system to get you around the room. Oh and if I remember correctly I only pointed out the big problems with gear VR, there are some minor problems as well. First is that there is a field of view, but in my experience you quickly forget about this, secondly the resolution isn't great as you can see the pixels, but again this is something you quickly forget about. Oh and you can't bring a controller into the virtual world, you can simply use a bluetooth controller like did, although the Gear VR has a touchpad it doesn't work with Minecraft if I remember correctly

Wow that's a lot I wrote