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View Full Version : Discord Spam Attack

20-08-2017, 05:30 AM
Our Discord server was hit by a spam attack. 3 randoms joined when me and Red were chatting away. We had no idea who they were, however I had a feeling they were spambots. I was unfortunately proven correct when they started spamming. I believe an un PG word was used and a picture of a dog being abused. Thankfully, this attack didn't last as long as I thought it would when Jay came to the rescue!

A word of warning though, get some spam protection! This situation could have been avoided with a good mod bot. It also raises the question of whether there are enough active admins on the Discord. Excluding Jay (who isn't really an admin,) there were no online admins. If Jay wasn't here to save the day, the attack could've gone on for a lot longer.

Anyway, have a lovely day! And if you're not on Discord, don't let this situation stray you away, come and join us! and since Discord is getting video chat soon, IMO it's going to wipe the floor with Skype.

20-08-2017, 05:34 AM
The cats have betrayed us. Do not judge Catkind by the actions of a few 'radicals'.

20-08-2017, 06:46 AM
The cats have betrayed us. Do not judge Catkind by the actions of a few 'radicals'.

Passing on these past events as actions of radicals, are we? I say that we don't listen to this cat, recent studies from reliable sources such as BuzzFeed have proven that catkind is agressive by nature. Even a blind man could notice that. So, are we just going to stay here, and let catkind invade? Or are we going to fight back?

On a more serious note; I agree that we should get some more active admins, or by the very least a good mod bot. I don't really have much to say, other than what has already been said by MrRockboy222.

20-08-2017, 01:42 PM
What are you saying, Mr House? You would wish war on our kind? I assure you, that would end badly for both sides.

20-08-2017, 08:55 PM
What are you saying, Mr House? You would wish war on our kind? I assure you, that would end badly for both sides.

Oh, don't be a fool now. I've already experienced nukes, which were specifically directed towards the city of New Vegas. Something that I simply got rid of, leaving New Vegas protected.

25-08-2017, 08:23 AM
Oh, don't be a fool now. I've already experienced nukes, which were specifically directed towards the city of New Vegas. Something that I simply got rid of, leaving New Vegas protected.

Oh but Mr.House you see, we do not have nukes.. We have Memes! Enough memes to overrun New Vegas! All of your citizens shouting and screaming memes 24/7! And thats not even mentioning our truly secret weapons!