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11-10-2017, 10:59 AM
Eccentric has added Gallifrey as a world, and since we do already have skaro, why not have the home world of the Timelords as well!

~Just a suggestion from Red~

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Oh yeah and according to eccentric, there is a way to let sounds be heard from a distance like the tardis hum which at the moment follows you around and plays only for a few blocks away

According to eccentric:

You can already change the change the range that sounds are heard at in the config:
the default is 10, setting it higher will increase the distance that sounds will be heard.

~Another suggestion by red~

14-10-2017, 07:30 AM
Thanks Red for the info Ill talk to Mark about it and check for settings on the sound

15-10-2017, 02:40 AM
Ya know, I should get back into Minecraft

Edit: Also, did eccentric really add an entire world in one github commit? Wow