I've noticed some discussion recently about perhaps we are being a little harsh on the treatment of players who steal.
The rules make it very clear about taking items that dont belong to you. The traps set to test new builders honesty will remain, if they are honest they wont take what doesn't belong to them. I'd rather catch them as soon as possible than find out months later what damage etc they have been up to. Below is the latest new builder to be caught.
As you can see above, fluttershy took the gold from the chest (which I own, never a good idea to steal from the admin).
The next screenshot shows fluttershy denying stealing the gold, which most thieves do.
After the player was banned he/she must have realised we really are serious about protecting the honest players as I received this private message.
IE, a thief and a liar.
thatsnotacreeper tolerance to dishonest players has never changed since if was first online as private server serveral years ago. I have no intention of lowering our standards now.
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