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  • Thank you Asplinduh!

    Already a VIP+++ but he still sent a VERY substantial donation to the server cost. However there was no way I'd except that much money and refunded him, Asplinduh still insisted on donating a very generous amount which I gratefully accepted for all of us. Its our long term players (donators or not) that make it worthwhile keeping the server running all these years. The thieves and griefers get tiring, but there are a lot of players always on the lookout for the type of people we do not want here getting, almost 1500 banned players now.

    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Mr_Boss_Man's Avatar
      [MasterBuilder] Mr_Boss_Man -
      How much did he send?
    1. markdf's Avatar
      [Admin] markdf -
      Its not for me to say, however it would be easy work out if you knew what the total credit was before which is displayed on the left of most pages.
    1. Mr_Boss_Man's Avatar
      [MasterBuilder] Mr_Boss_Man -
      I see total credit, vip contributions, and costs to date. I don't see where it says what it was before.
    1. markdf's Avatar
      [Admin] markdf -
      It doesn't, I just update the total credit, deductions for server rental are automatically deducted each month.