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  • MMO stats

    Ive made an executive decision (not going to be all that popular) to reset the stats for MMO. All of the combat stats would need to have been reset anyway due to the changes in PVP, and it was a lot of work to edit multiple stats for each person. Ive already used a lot of time sorting out problems with the upgrade and I just want to play like everyone else.

    Here is a screenshot of the top players from the previous map. Well done Top.

    The good news is it gives all the new players a chance to compete now.

    Update: Its installed but it doesnt work, have to wait a bit longer I guess for an update

    Comments 1 Comment
    1. DementedSun's Avatar
      I don't mind, I'm just glad we're getting it back again, :P. I forgot how little you get while mining, even with fortune III.