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  • not a lot to report lately

    I see player numbers are increasing again, its normal for the server to be fairly quiet and then activity returns. Lots of the older players regular players seemed to have disappeared, but that's normal also, people move on and new players become the long term regular players giving advice to other new players. Other minecraft servers come and go without warning, unlike this one. We have been around for several years now, unlikely we will disappear overnight with you losing all your hard work. We could get more players, but I wont be lowering our standards.

    Lots of updates to the Tardis, you really need to keep up with all the changes.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. DementedSun's Avatar
      I'm still here, just been a little busy with life and Pokemon Go!

      I'll probably play a little more frequently soon, I've missed Minecraft.