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    VIP+++ is not an exemption from the the few simple rules we have and the way you speak to others. If Klev, Top or Zick have to tell you what's not allowed or not appropriate then don't try to get around them by asking for my 'ruling'. Now two VIP+++ players are having a little break from the server, hopefully their respect for others will return with them. I was not happy at all when I check the log for the last 15hrs.

    Here is a few important points to be aware of, although I sure you really should be fully aware anyway how it works here. The logs are read, just because I don't appear to be around much I am fully aware of whats going on. NOTHING is private, what you whisper, what you mail in-game is all recorded. No point trying to argue with me on this, I wont reply.

    I wont be posting who they are, hopefully realise what they have done and perhaps not want to draw attention to themselves. Then we can all continue on as if nothing ever happened.