"Royal2800? You mean when I asked if there were staff online before I was told to ask staff? Not his idea, at all.."

Well, bless your sweet little heart! You knew the whole time! Your mamma must be so proud. That little voice in your head that whispered the wise advice about waiting for a staff member should be nurtured. You could go so far with scruples like that! Unfortunately, you ignored it this time. I'm hoping you will make better choices in the future. I wish you the best in your gaming future. Your time here is wasted as you will not be able to convince anyone that you are wiser that the staff here. You aren't hurting our feelings with your insults. No one here is going to tell you that you were right or in any way justified in your actions and choices. You are only upsetting yourself by continuing this conversation. Go tell your friends and have a good laugh about how wronged you feel. You'll get no sympathy here.