I never remember stealing from an Admin Tower, recognize the word "I". What I do remember, is letting my brother and sister use my Minecraft account, since they do not have an account. It saddens that "I" would do something like that but I will face the consequences since they are indeed my family. I request to be unbanned, since I didn't exactly steal myself. But, I completely understand if you do not take me back. It is my fault for letting them (my family) use it, which is why I understand I shouldn't be unbanned, for I should have been more responsible as a sophomore in high school. I am more than happy enough to give back what "I" stole. I am not a person to steal or cause harm on a server that I like so much. Also, I am glad to take what I deserve for what "I've" done. I'm sorry if you lost your trust, but it was indeed my fault for admitting my family to the use of this account. So if this is the last time I am on this server, I just wanted to say thanks for everything, I highly appreciate it. I love this server so much, so it's sad to see it go, but once again, I understand my punishment.

Thanks for everything,