Unfortunately, you demonstrate that you don't think when playing... You don't know why you took it. You think it may have been abandoned. We have policies for a reason. We protect players possessions here. That means property that seems abandoned isn't officially abandoned until a staff member declares it so. Your "i guess i just did" explanation tells me you play for yourself regardless of the rules or whose property you are taking. I appreciate you are feeling remorseful now. It's understandable. No one enjoys discovering that they aren't living up to acceptable standards. We don't need you to put it back. When your actions are purged on our server, it will be corrected. I suggest you take some time and examine your actions and attitude. We don't let people back on because they say sorry nicely. Your explanation seems very lame. No acceptable excuse. If it had only been the food, I may have been more persuadable. The iron tips it against you.