I'll have a go at replying. Not to appease you, but to relieve my fellow staff members from having to spend their time on this....

1. The rules are clear. No stealing. If you find something that someone else put there, taking it is stealing. The procedure here if you'd like to claim something that looks abandoned, is to ask a staff member to investigate and get permission first. You do not have the authority to do your own investigation and make your own determination that taking stuff is OK. No matter how long a player has been gone, if their stuff is here, it's protected by our policy of no stealing.

2. Typing what you did, even out of frustration and irritation.... is clearly referencing cursing even if you are not literally typing out all the words. That particular series of three letters is almost universally understood to be cursing. This is a PG server. Your frustration may be understandable (though these things do happen at times for reasons that are beyond the control of the staff), but the moment you allowed your frustration to become typed out in chat.... that's where we have a big problem. You are expected to behave with more self control to play here.

3. No staff member on this server has any obligation to justify their actions to you. The staff here work hard to keep this server running smoothly and according to the rules. You were banned for good reasons. We are not responsible for your choices. You chose to do and say what you did without consulting with staff. Even if your confusion as to the rules could explain your actions, your arrogance in assuming you were correct to do so is offensive. I sincerely doubt you have a chance of being unbanned due to your actions and the attitude in which you approach the staff in this appeal.